java.awt.Color; import java.util.ArrayList; import javax.swing.*; public class Bridge { private int nVh,cnt_cons, max_cons; private boolean closed; private Gui gui; Bridge(int max_cons){ nVh = cnt_cons=0; closed = false; this.max_cons=max_cons; gui = new Gui(); } //////// for GUI ---------------------------------- public class Gui extends JFrame{ int w=800,h=400; ArrayList<JButton> a_l=new ArrayList<JButton>(); ArrayList<JButton> a_r=new ArrayList<JButton>(); ArrayList<JButton> on=new ArrayList<JButton>(); JPanel pa_l= new JPanel(), pa_r= new JPanel(), pon= new JPanel(), pp_l= new JPanel(), pp_r= new JPanel(); Gui() { setBounds(50, 50, w, h); setLayout(null); pa_l.setBounds(10, 10, w/3, h/3); add(pa_l); pp_l.setBounds(10, h/3+50, w/3, h/2); add( pp_l); pon.setBackground(Color.LIGHT_GRAY); pon.setBounds(w/3+20, h/4, w/3-20, h/4); add(pon); pa_r.setBounds(2*w/3, 10, w/3, h/3); add(pa_r); pp_r.setBounds(2*w/3, h/3+50, w/3, h/2); add(pp_r); setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE); setVisible(true); } } synchronized public void addGV(Vehicle v){ //gui new Vehicle JButton bt=new JButton(; if( { gui.pa_l.add(bt); bt.setBackground(; gui.pa_l.revalidate(); gui.pa_l.repaint(); gui.a_l.add(bt); } else { gui.pa_r.add(bt); bt.setBackground(Color.yellow); gui.pa_r.revalidate(); gui.pa_r.repaint(); gui.a_r.add(bt); } } synchronized public void onBGV(Vehicle v){ //gui on the bridge if( { for(JButton b:gui.a_l){ if(b.getText().equals( { gui.pa_l.remove(b); // remove from panel gui.pon.add(b); // put in the on panel gui.on.add(b); // and on the list gui.pon.revalidate(); gui.pa_l.repaint(); gui.pa_l.revalidate(); gui.pon.repaint(); gui.a_l.remove(b); break; } } } else { for(JButton b:gui.a_r) { if(b.getText().equals( { gui.pa_r.remove(b); // remove from panel gui.pon.add(b); // put in the on gui.on.add(b); // and on the list gui.pon.revalidate(); gui.pon.repaint(); gui.pa_r.revalidate(); gui.pa_r.repaint(); gui.a_l.remove(b); // remove from list break; } } } } synchronized public void lvBGV(Vehicle v){ //gui leave the bridge for(JButton b:gui.on) { if(b.getText().equals( { gui.pon.remove(b); // remove from panel gui.pon.revalidate(); gui.pon.repaint(); if( { gui.pp_r.add(b); // put in the on gui.pp_r.revalidate(); gui.pp_r.repaint(); } else { gui.pp_l.add(b); // put in the on gui.pp_l.revalidate(); gui.pp_l.repaint(); } break; } } } synchronized public void closeB() { gui.pon.setBackground(Color.PINK); gui.pon.revalidate(); gui.pon.repaint(); } synchronized public void openB() { gui.pon.setBackground(Color.LIGHT_GRAY); gui.pon.revalidate(); gui.pon.repaint(); } ///////// Gui --------------------------------------------- synchronized public int brN(){ return nVh; } synchronized public void takeB(boolean lr ){ while((nVh>0)&& (lr==true)|| (nVh<0) && (lr==false)||closed){ System.out.println("\t"+Thread.currentThread().getName()+" waiting"); try{ wait(); } catch(InterruptedException e){ System.err.println(e); } } try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch(InterruptedException ie) {} if (lr) nVh--; else nVh++; System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()+" on the bridge"); onBGV((Vehicle)(Thread.currentThread())); cnt_cons++; if(cnt_cons>=max_cons) { closed =true; closeB(); } if(closed)System.out.println("The bridge is closed"); } synchronized public void leaveB(boolean lr ){ if (nVh>0) nVh--; else nVh++; System.out.println("\t\t"+Thread.currentThread().getName()+" leave the bridge"); lvBGV((Vehicle)Thread.currentThread()); if(nVh==0) { cnt_cons=0; closed = false; openB(); System.out.println("The bridge is open"); } notifyAll(); } } |
Коли - нишки,
class Vehicle extends Thread{ boolean lr; Bridge b; String name; static int num; Vehicle(boolean lr, Bridge b){; this.b = b; name = "V "+ ++num; b.addGV(this); super.setName(name); } public void run(){ b.takeB(lr); try { Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (InterruptedException e){} b.leaveB(lr); } public String toString() { return name; } } |
Самият модел:
class Circ { static Bridge b = new Bridge(3); public static void main(String arg[]){ for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++){ Vehicle v =new Vehicle(Math.random()>0.5?true:false, b); try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException ex) {} v.start(); } } } |